Success story of Tio Peixe

Tio Peixe, a Mozambican Company, started its operations in 2008 in Mozambique with a total of 8 people and its focus was the informal markets, distribution of frozen fish. Now it has been selected by IFS, the catering provider of CCSJV, to provide its products for Mozambique LNG Project

“Supplying IFS introduced us to the formal markets, we were able to prove ourselves as a dependable supplier over a 9 year plus period during some very challenging circumstances.”  Paulo Fernandes, General Manager

In partnership with IFS Tio Peixe, a Mozambican Company, who caters and supplies frozen goods was able to comply and deliver without fail by moulding their catering/frozen supplies around the Project´s needs.

How did this partnership with IFS transform your business and your infrastructure?
Paulo Fernandes:
“In 2010, when we entered a partnership with IFS, little we knew at the time that this would have been a huge change for us.
This partnership promoted our product range by more than 100%, as IFS operations grew in Mozambique, Tio Peixe grew with them. Since 2010 we expanded our storage capacity, from 1800t in 2010 to 5000t in 2015, and now with a current capacity of 10,000t.
The logistic and storage infrastructures were not always available in Mozambique at the demand required to fulfil the Project’s requirements.
Therefore, we invested in logistics (trucks & personnel), cold storage infrastructure (by adding 5000 tons cold storage space) and systems (personal, IT) in Maputo.
To maintain a dependable supply, we chose to invest in the logistic
capacity as well. With a fleet of 20 refrigerated trucks dedicated to this Project, with live tracking and back- up services available through Mozambique. ”

Would you say that this partnership created other business opportunities for Tio Peixe?
“Yes, this partnership opened other doors, it gave us the opportunity to work with supermarkets, hotels and restaurants.
This opportunity enabled us to implement warehouse systems for control, stock management and traceability.”


Did you have to increase and train your workforce?
“Yes, our staff increased to 75 permanents, across 7 operational sites. Training was provided to staff locally as well as abroad to manage the operations and warehouse software which was developed for our specific needs to guarantee cold chain integrity and reporting.”

How do you see the transformation of Tio Peixe when you look back?
We are very proud, it has been a success for us, with the investments made and the experience gathered over the last decade we are prepared for the exciting new challenges ahead with IFS and other business opportunities of a large scale that may occur including international markets.