Success story of Chafim Amisse Chalé – IFS, Maintenance Supervisor

IFS Mozambique Limitada is a Mozambican registered company who has been operating since 2009 and is well-known as one of Mozambique’s largest remote site service providers.
IFS was selected by CCSJV to provide catering and camp management services for the LNG Project in Afungi, Cabo Delgado, where it counts with more than 1340 employees of which 1300 are Mozambican.

Chafim, a young man in his early thirties, born in Nangade, Cabo Delgado, tells us about his career development from the moment he set foot in what is considered the largest LNG project in Mozambique.

Chafim, tell us a little about yourself and your professional trajectory?
“My name is Chafim Amisse Chalé, I am 30 years old, Mozambican, born in Nangade a small district close to Palma, Cabo Delgado where I now live with my wife and children since 2013.
Unfortunately, I did not manage to complete my education, therefore I started working early as an assistant in general maintenance, I also learned the basic technics of plumbing and other maintenance services before I joined IFS.”

What was your first impression when you arrived at the Mozambique LNG Project Site? Can you describe it?
“I had never seen anything like this before, I did not even think this could be possible let alone here in Afungi. Immediately I met a lot of people, some I work with until today. The flow of people in and out per week was big, however I managed to adapt easily.”

How long have you joined International Facilities Services (IFS)? How did this happen?
“I joined IFS in 2017, at the time I was working at Ecolodge as a result of an agreement I was moved from one to the other.
I started out as a Warehouse Assistant, which required a lot of my attention and dedication every day. I must have done my work well,
because I was recently promoted to Maintenance Supervisor.”

Congratulations Chafim!
Can you describe your daily tasks?
“Every day, I receive the main instructions from the head office.
I proceed to meet my team in the first hours.
I direct them on how to do their daily tasks and after doing my very own maintenance duties I supervise my team’s daily work.
I do the checklist with them and after that I compile a daily end of day report and submit it to the head office.”

Did you have any difficulties with regards to your tasks? How did you overcome?
“No, fortunately I did not. I already had the basics of the tasks I was supposed to perform, the only difference was the size of the job.
I always followed my manager’s instructions which made it easier for me to perform in the correct manner.
Practice also helped me eliminate small errors.”

Have you participated in any training to support your current experience and knowledge, provided by IFS?
“Yes, I did, training to be a warehouse assistant and did it again to be a maintenance supervisor.
I also participated in different instructions meetings where a received training on how to manage my team, communications skills, how to do my tasks within the required time.”

Can you rate your professional and personal growth since you joined IFS?
“It is not the same a 100%.
Now I can do more than before, I have learned a lot in the past years. Now I ought to fill in daily reports, checklists something I never did it before, now I supervise, before I am supervised.
Before I would limit myself to walk around with a few instruments in a bag now I am required to hold a checklist board.
I have learned a lot through experience, dedication, focus and strength.
Even regarding personal growth, I have been able to do a lot more for my family at home, I have been able to initiate small little projects.
I was able to save my life due to what I know now professionally and personally.”

How is it to work for IFS within the partnership with CCS JV?
“I see a lot of people from CCS JV providing guidance and support and I feel it is a positive cooperation to all of us, I see it as an opportunity to learn.
I am aware that IFS is a subcontractor of CCS JV.”

Do you see a tangible or mensurable signs of development in your community since this Project started? Please mention a few examples?
“I spent more time in the site, however I have heard about the visits of colleagues from site in Palma doing social work in the hospital, schools.
The improvement of our roads and new infrastructures is visible.
Some business has raised since, that did not operate here before, consequently work opportunities. We have some banks operating.
There are more people buying from the local vendors, we can now find products that we did not have in the past.
As time goes, we see more and more changes and improvements.”

What is your expectation from the Liquified Natural Gas Project focusing on the province that witnessed your birth and your country with regards to economic growth?
“I would like to see my province grow, with lots of accessible products, schools, water, hospitals, and roads.
More work for man and women as young as me so that they are able to take care of their families.
I think with faith that this project will give a lot in return to Mozambique, to Cabo Delgado specially, including employment and future opportunities.”

Was there a professional highlighting moment or experience provided by this partnership that you would like to share with us?
“My promotion was by far my highlight moment and experience professionally and personal.
I feel very happy and realized, this means a lot to me.
I know that if I keep my focus and keep learning I can go grow more.”

Please leave a message.
“I would like to tell the Mozambican people, especially the ones in my province, Cabo Delgado to keep on studying, learning from other people experiences there are many opportunities for all of us in this project and many others to come in the future.”